The fundamental difference between BIMCADweb.com streaming and other 3D visualization technologies is that 3D model manipulations are performed not on the user’s device but cloud GPU servers. The user simply receives the video transmitted by the server. Furthermore, device control commands are also sent to the server, which allows the users to freely manipulate the model themselves.
Our technology overcomes the main problem of 3D visualization – the weak computing power of users’ devices. All the complex calculations take place on the cloud. Thus, the video stream generated by the server can be supported even by an old smartphone.

Demonstrating huge BIM or CAD models on web sites or intranet portals is probably the most obvious application of interactive streaming. Just because there is no other way to show such big and complex models on the Internet.
Streaming is a fast and easy way to be updated on a project or get visual information for the managers. They do not need to spend hours dealing with specialized software. The best thing here is that it available in any web browser.
Most likely, you can find plenty more ways your company can benefit from interactive video streaming. Just give it a go.

We work with the following software: AutoCAD, Revit, Navisworks, AVEVA, SIEMENS NX, CREO, Bentley MicroStation, DELTAGEN, VRED, Graphisoft Archicad, CATIA, SolidWorks, Rhino, Inventor, SketchUp, Blender, Maya, 3ds Max and many others.

Yes, you are absolutely right. You can record a video using a regular camera (as video bloggers do). But this way you will just have a video. BIMCADweb.com technology offers users an interactive experience as they can easily manipulate the 3D model in real-time. They can rotate or scale the model, switch to X-ray view or demonstrate changes performed over, etc.
Surely, if you just need to demonstrate the general appearance and show that the 3D model exists, it will be much cheaper and easier for you to do it yourself using a smartphone camera.

It is true, there are several technologies available to demonstrate real-time interactive 3D graphics on the web. Unfortunately, there they all are limited by the weak computing performance of users’ devices, no matter whether they are using smartphones or desktops. Therefore, demonstrating a really large BIM or CAD model is hardly feasible, let alone control it in real-time.
Our interactive streaming technology employs high-performance cloud GPU servers. Thus, we can easily work with even very large models. We can also offer photorealistic rendering quality, which no other technology can achieve.

Yes. Our technology enables us to stream any BIM/CAD/3D models. However, in that case, we might slightly reduce the level of detail of a model. But usually, it is not necessary to show every nut and bolt when demonstrating a massive CAD model of a ship or an aircraft.

Any model, even a simple one, requires a processing stage. This is necessary for the visualization software installed on the cloud servers to correctly interpret and render the model.

The model on your website is displayed in a special viewer. We share the code with you, and your IT specialists can easily add it to your webpage or intranet portal. Naturally, we also provide detailed instructions on how to do it.

We don't need access to your website. We provide you with the code snippet, which you can easily add to your webpage yourself.

We never have any access to any of your data. We just provide you with the code snippet of the viewer that you embed into your portal. Moreover, when you get the code we can’t even know what happens to it next.
When embedded, the viewer only sends model control commands to the server. There is no way for us to obtain any data from your internal portal or website.

Sure, the code snippet is always the same. This way, you can add the same viewer to as many web pages as you want.

We can implement any user interaction scenario you need. For example, X-ray view, demonstrating changes performed over time or additional information on the 3D model, changing the color or design of its elements, animation, etc.
Conveniently, the user interaction scenario can be linked with the information on the website. For example, if a user selects various design options in the 3D model viewer window, a detailed calculation of the selected option immediately appears next to it on the webpage.

Please contact us to discuss the technical details.

Yes. Please contact us to discuss the technical details.

Yes, we can.

Yes, we surely can.

Yes, we definitely can.

Yes, we absolutely can do that.

Yes, we perfectly can stream animated 3D cloth simulation.

We charge you every month, your billing date is the 1st day of each month.

We do not accept cryptocurrency payments at the moment. We are working on that and really hope to fix it soon.

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